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City Leipzig
Age 63 years
Occupation Fernsehjournalist

About Matthias

Wenn ich statt in einem Hotel in einem privaten Appartement wohne, erhalte ich viel schneller einen authentischen Zugang zu einer Stadt und kann mich auch nach meinem Geschmack selbst mit Lebensmitteln versorgen. Wenn ich hier buche, reise ich in der Regel nicht aus beruflichen, sondern aus privaten Gründen.

Reviews for Matthias as a guest

  • L 5.0 03/29/2014

    Matthias, was truly a wonderful Guest, Just exceptional, followed the rules of the flat and took good care of the place. It was our Pleasure to Host, always welcome back Best Regards, Craig

  • Manuela 5.0 02/19/2013

    When I hosted Argo in my house I had the feeling of opening the door to a deep person, in great empathy with the history and soul of the house and the city. If I had not had to work I wanted to visit Venice with him to see the city with his own eyes!
    He left the house in perfect order and very clean.
    I am very happy!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} review from partners.", :other=>"+ %{count} reviews from partners."}
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