About Kazım Özgür
42 years old male. Interested in art and industrial design. In my spare time I'm traveling and reading on various subjects. Hospitable host - guests are always welcome in my house. Born and raised in Istanbul. A true lover of animals, kids, music, plastic arts and history. Besides that I like traveling and feeling the vibe of the neighborhood where I am at, exploring the culture, getting to know few good people and having friendships to last. Although I adore nature I cannot take long walks because I am dealing with MS for last 11 years. Europe and US are my favorite travel destinations. South America and far east are places i'd like to visit. I travel very light and buy my needs in the county where I visit. I am a responsible, positive, easy going and friendly person. I care about different thoughts, ideas and advices. I think I am a good listener which is rare nowadays. I am willing to help, guide and comfort my visitors during their stay. I would like to know your purpose of visit and the exact time of the check in. Your basic interests and wishes.
Reviews for Kazım Özgür's places
jean 10/11/2018
Katrin 4.0 11/09/2014
Die kleine Wohnung für 2 Personen liegt verkehrsstrategisch sehr günstig, nicht im touristisch trubligen, sondern im studentisch geprägten Teil Istanbuls, in Besiktas, gleich am Bosporus. Für Stadterkundungen sehr geeeignet.
Reviews for Kazım Özgür as a host
jean 3.0 10/11/2018
Kazım Özgür a annulé une réservation pour Home in Istanbul seulement 19 jours avant l'arrivée.
jean 5.0 10/06/2018
nous avons ete victime d'une escroquerie pas de local a l adresse,
intique ni de proprietaire
inconnu dans le quartier -
Katrin 5.0 11/09/2014
Kazim Tülbentci ist nicht nur ein äußerst freundlicher und zuvorkommender Vermieter, der sich persönlich um das Wohlbefinden seiner Gäste kümmert, sondern auch ein Gesprächspartner, der vor allem sein Deutsch durch anregende Kontakte ständig verbessern möchte.