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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Thessaloníki
Alter 45 Jahre
Beruf Youth Hostel

Über Studios

Very Good Hostel, Clean, Affordable, Safe, Quiet, Friendly staff, Beautiful area, in the Old City of Thessaloniki, Free Wi Fi Internet, Common room with books and games, Nice yard with flowers and barbeque facilities, Balconies with great view, Personal kitchens, Personal bathrooms, Rent a bicycle, Events, Tours

Bewertungen für Studios's Unterkünfte

  • Judy 2.0 11.06.2015

    The positives - the young man at the desk was very helpful and had excellent people skills. The room and linen were clean and the only roach in the room was dead. I was expecting a family friendly hostel, but the only clients I saw were sitting around drinking beer and smoking; some looked like they had not taken a shower lately. I thought I had booked a room with 2 beds, but instead had booked 2 rooms in a 5 bed room. The inside commons area was poorly lit with dirty dishes visible behind the check-in counter. The outside commons area had old furniture in disrepair, overflowing ashtrays and trash. The neighborhood appeared poor and unkempt.

  • Sophie 4.0 28.09.2012

    Sehr schönes Zimmer mit Balkon und Ausblick, Teeküche und Sofas im EG. Alles super.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}

Bewertungen für den Gastgeber Studios

  • Judy 1.0 11.06.2015

    When I contacted the 9 flats help desk to voice my dissatisfaction with the place, the host was slow to get back them and at first seemed unwilling to negotiate a solution.

  • Sophie 5.0 28.09.2012

    Gelassen, freundlich, aufgeschlossen.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}

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