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Über Stan

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Bewertungen für den Gast Stan

  • Team 3.0 13.07.2014

    Dear guest,

    Your review misses some facts:

    Would you mind adding them to your review?

    They basically come down to these points:

    1: You did receive our extensive directions with address (you even thanked us for them:'Thanks for directions to your apartment.')
    2: You did receive our address several times, on your other email address and WhatsApp.
    3: You changed your arrival time on the day of arrival
    4: You changed your arrival time by hours later (from '1330-1500' to 'ETA 8 or 8;15' and in reality you arrived in the area around 21:00).
    5: You arrived shortly before the quarter finales of the national football team, as you knew the most important sports in the Netherlands.
    6: There was actually someone inside at all times to open the door for you
    7: We did not charge you the late fee, which we were entitled to according to our conditions

    We do understand you had difficulties and were happy to assist you as much as possible.

    Regards, team Rembrandt

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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