Über Nick
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Bewertungen für Nick's Unterkünfte
Kirsten 3.0 01.02.2012
Geräumig, aber nicht sonderlich sauber. Sehr zentrale Lage im Ausgehviertel gelegen, dadurch nachts bis in die Morgenstunden sehr laut. Oropax!
teresa 5.0 24.11.2011
El piso esta muy céntrico,a dos pasos de la grand plage.
En otros comentarios dicen que el piso esta sucio,yo no lo encontré así,en todo caso un problema de cal,pero no de suciedad
El piso esta muy muy bien,si volviera a Bruselas estaría encantada de repetir!:) -
Elena 4.0 18.11.2011
La maisonnette di Nick si trova dietro - ma per davvero! - alla Grand Place.
Se siete dunque amanti della quiete e della tranquillità non ve la consiglio, ma se, come me, adorate fare le ore piccole e non vi sveglia nemmeno la bomba atomica è il posto ideale!
Unico vero neo l'igiene, che lascia un bel po' a desiderare nonostante vengano chiesti 10€ per la pulizia finale. -
Joanna 2.0 15.11.2011
The flat has an excellent location - you can't be more central but it also means that it is pretty noisy at night (all week long). The flat as such is nice but when we arrived it was filthy! Dust was everywhere, the bathroom was disgusting so we had to clean it. There is also some serious problem with electricity - the fuse has blown several times and we had to run down to the ground floor to turn it on - pretty annoying at 7am! The internet didn't function during our stay.
ilaria 3.0 14.11.2011
L'appartamento è situato strategicamente al centro della città, a pochi passi dalla Gran Place e dalla metropolitana.
Arredato con gusto è purtroppo offerto in condizioni igieniche molto scarse: c'è polvere ovunque!
Dall'ultimo piano si gode una stupenda vista ma se si viaggia con valigie pesanti può essere scomodo. -
Katharina 4.0 24.10.2011
The best about the apartment is its location: you can't be more central. It has everything you need, however it is not perfectly clean.
Roberto 4.0 29.09.2011
Excellent location, cozy flat, very good value for money! Nevertheless, the flat should be provided in cleaner conditions.
Jonathan 4.0 27.09.2011
Die Wohnung ist absolut perfekt gelegen, besser geht es gar nicht! Auch die Einrichtung lässt keine Wünsche offen. Schöne Küche, schöne Dusche (auf den Fotos nicht zu sehen). Leider war die Wohnung nicht so sauber wie sie hätte sein sollen und es gab ein paar Probleme mit der Elektrizität. Insgesamt war es aber genau die richtige Wohnung fürs Wochenende.
Bewertungen für den Gastgeber Nick
Kirsten 5.0 01.02.2012
Sehr sympathisch. Pünktliche, problemlose Schlüsselübergabe, schnelle E-Mailantworten.
Elena 5.0 18.11.2011
Nick answers and provides info in a twinkling. Nice and easy-going host: super!
Joanna 3.0 15.11.2011
Nick is nice, he delivered some extra bed clothing which we needed within a few hours. Unfortunately, we couldn't reach him when the electricity went off for the first time and it didn't function for several hours. Nick was aware how dirty the flat was but it seems that he didn't care. He also didn't tell us that the internet didn't function in the flat despite the fact that he knew about it - I think it wasn't fair.
Jonathan 5.0 27.09.2011
Nick ist sehr nett, hilfsbereit und schnell erreichbar, wenn man mal was braucht. Sehr angenehmer und unkomplizierter Kontakt!