Über Maria-Luisa
Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine persönlichen Informationen eingetragen.
Bewertungen für den Gast Maria-Luisa
Vincent 5.0 09.08.2013
Maria-Luisa and her boyfiend were the perfect guests; independent. communicative, curious, social and tidy! What else could you wish for as a host?
It was nice to hear that they appreciated the details I try to offer to optimize the visitor's stay.
As guests I can definitely recommend them!
Robert 5.0 30.03.2012
Maria-Luisa and her friends are perfect guests, very nice and clean persons. I hope that I have possibility to host them again.
Thank you Maria-Luisa :)
+ {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}