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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Vienna
Alter 37 Jahre
Beruf Key Account Manager, IAESTE international

Über Jure

My name is Jure Šafner and I am originally from Maribor, Slovenia. Currently I live in Vienna where I also work for the non-profit organisation IAESTE. I am a cheerful, talkative person which enjoys interaction but at the same time respects privacy.

Bewertungen für den Gast Jure

  • Phil and Aquilla 5.0 20.03.2013

    Jure was a very friendly guest who is articulate, speaks very good English and is easy to talk to. He respected the house and made no disturbance even though he had to come in late as his course finished late. He was thoughtful and considerate and even left us a bottle of Slovenian liqueur! Thank you, Jure! We hope he can come again!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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