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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt 69210 SAVIGNY - FRANCE
Alter -1 Jahre
Beruf Project Engineer in pharmaceutical industry

Über Julio

I travel a lot due to my job. During my free time I like again to travel together with my wife. We live near Lyon in France in the country side (Beaujolais and Côteau du Lyonnais wineyards) and therefore we are rather looking to "rediscover urban way of life" i.e. concerts, theather, bars, restaurants , in two words places where ''real people'' live. Personaly I dislike conventional hotels for business people... where I am usually obliged to sleep in, because I think these are far away of the way I like to live in a daily basis... I also dislike artificial places and "tourists traps"... Prefiero y preferimos lo autentico !!

Bewertungen für den Gast Julio

  • Olga 5.0 23.03.2013

    Julio Chavez y su mujer son personas extraordinarias. Muy buenos huéspedes y muy simpáticos. Sin duda, volvería a hospedarles encantado.

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