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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Kassel
Alter 35 Jahre
Beruf Lackiererin

Über Isabella

Hi I'm Bella and I come from the heart of Germany...Kassel.. Its nice to live here..absolutely in the summer times for spending time in a green area or a beautiful forest for example than I love to be outside and spend time with my friends and beeing activ , do sports or taking well I enjoy it to be home and listening to good music .drinking coffee ..reading a book..watching a good movie..and so on and on... I live with my boyfriend Christian in a cute and comfortable apartment in the center what is of beneficial to take a short walk to the supermarkets,shops,bars,resturants etc ...the tram is only 2 minutes distant. We love to travel and experience new things and meeting new peole!.. Hope to see you soon!

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