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Als Freund hinzufügen
Alter 55 Jahre
Beruf Teacher

Über Iris

Hi, I am a 45 year old teacher from Herne in Germany and I was born and raised in the city where I still live - when I am in Germany that is. Travelling is my passion and I have spent several years abroad and get away whenever I have the chance. I love staying in small guest houses or in private accomodation because there you are just closer to the real life and you meet the most interesting people. My second passion is diving which just makes me unbelievably happy. But if there is no water around I am also happy with hikes in the mountains or strolling around the amazing cities of the world. Hope to meet you soon!

Bewertungen für den Gast Iris

  • giulia e francesco 5.0 24.02.2015

    Iris is a charming, enthusiastic person. She is a perfect guest; kind, considerate and quiet. Don't hesitate to host her.

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