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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Alghero
Alter 36 Jahre
Beruf Student, Lifeguard

Über Gino

I am a talkative guy who lives in Alghero and loves to travel. I finished a three year degree in foreign languages, that's why I speak fluently English, French, plus a bit of Spanish and Catalan. I studied a bit of Swedish when I was an Erasmus student in Stockholm, but now I'm a bit rusty :) My favorite hobby is cycling, apart from playing football and listening to music (especially indie). I am also addicted to puzzles. During summer I work as a lifeguard in Alghero so feel free to visit me at the beach. When I am not working you find me at the ground floor of the building, where I live with my family. I hope you get the most of your stay in Alghero and I am eager to help you planning your activities.

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