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Bewertungen für GERARD et CHRISTINE's Unterkünfte

  • Anett 5.0 27.09.2014

    Nice and quiet apartment, with the most beautiful view and in the best neighbourhood. All you need in walking distance. It was very clean and had pretty much everything you need. Would have been cozy ♥ for two and so it was quite spacious for one. I will definitely come back! :-)

  • Kathrin 4.0 11.08.2014

    Gute zentrale Lage

  • Shanna 5.0 07.04.2014

    The appartment was very clean and accurate to the photos. The location is right above a metro line and literally 5 min walk from The Louvre. Great stay :)

  • Jacobus 5.0 20.01.2014

    We usually stay in hotels – but it was so nice and refreshing to stay in an apartment for a change. Even though the apartment was small, it had everything we needed to be comfortable for our 10-day stay. It was neat and clean, and the neighbourhood is very secure and quiet – set in an excellent location. Located between the Musee du Louvre and the Place de l'Opera, it is also only a few metres from the nearest metro. We will definitely stay there on our next visit to Paris.

  • carmine 5.0 20.01.2014

    Dopo numerosi alloggi fittati a Parigi possiamo dire che Il nido d'amore è un sogno. Abbiamo scoperto una casetta formidabile per la sua posizione centralissima, per la pulizia e per il comfort di cui è dotata. Benchè piccolina si sta veramente da Dio soprattutto quando all'imbrunire si gode dal lucernario una vista estasiante della illuminata e scintillante della Tour Effel.
    Cosa altro si può aggiungere: noi ci ritorneremo prestissimo e voi cosa aspettate, prenotate subito, ne vale veramente la pena!
    A prestissimo.
    Carmine e Tecla

  • Andreas 4.0 05.01.2014

    Die Wohnung hat in vielerlei Hinsicht das gehalten, was auf der Webseite beschrieben war: sehr gute Lage, Glanz und Gloria-Ausstattung wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, gute Wifi-Internetverbindung, gute Zimmergrösse. Bei genauem Hinsehen wird aber auch schnell klar, wo hier gespart wurde: die Trennwand zwischen Schlaf- und Wohnzimmer, sowie die Schrankwand lassen sich nur mit Mühe schliessen, in der Küche liegt die Elektroheizung am Boden, generell: mehr Schein als Sein. Sehr enttäuschend ist das Badezimmer, das (wie allerdings auf dem Foto bereits erkennbar) dem Anspruch der Wohnung bei weitem nicht gerecht wird. Es macht keinen Spass, aufzustehen und duschen zu gehen, auch weil nur zwei grössere und zwei kleine sehr dünne und verwaschene Frottiertücher und kein WC-Papier vorhanden waren. Auf Verlangen brachte man uns zwei zusätzliche Tücher. Wir würden aber allein aus diesem Grund lieber wieder in ein Hotel gehen. Achtung: Lift kann bei Überbelastung stecken bleiben.

  • Jean-Pierre 5.0 02.11.2013

    Comme ce studio se trouve sous les toits et que nous sommes grands, la place pour rester debout était limitée. Par contre, nous recommanderons certainement le Nid d'Amour 1 à toutes nos connaissances.

  • pablo 5.0 27.08.2013

    Localización en el centro de Paris. Todo esta cerca.
    El apartamento cuanta con todo lo necesario.

  • Linda 3.0 05.08.2013

    The apartment was nicely presented and very clean.
    Some facilities such as the lift, bed, linen, bathroom, Wifi and TV were good. Plenty of storage space. Fantastic location. Nice views.
    BUT, There was no washing machine which was stated on the internet site, and
    no room to put one
    The fridge was tiny and was barely cool...certainly no meat or dairy
    could be kept in it for more than a few hours. It could not have been
    working properly and DEFINITELY needs to be replaced.
    The air-conditioning only affected one room and it struggled to keep
    that habitable.

    There were no cooking implements of any egg flip, large spoon, cutting board, large knife etc. The window fittings were all broken so they were difficult/impossible to keep open.

    A few minor improvement would make this an excellent apartment for any visitor to Paris. Overall we enjoyed our stay but the fridge was a real

  • Laura 4.0 18.07.2013

    El apartamento es chiquitín, pero lo justo para poder descansar, darse una ducha, desayunar y seguir turisteando!

  • Sandra 5.0 03.07.2013

    The apartment was exactly as described on the website and in photos. It's well appointed and spotlessly clean. What we didn't quite appreciate until we arrived, was also how superbly located, secure and quiet it is. We found it to be within easy walking distance to many of the must-see tourist attractions. Others a little further afield (such as the Tour Eiffel, Sacre Coeur and l'Arc de Triomphe) were still within easy cycling distance using the Velib hire system (only 1.7 euro per day!). Gerard even gave us a walking tour of the immediate neighbourhood upon our arrival which helped us on our way to exploring wonderful Paris!

  • Johanna 5.0 02.07.2013

    we had a wonderful time in the apartment. I´ve been to paris several times and stayed in overpriced and tiny hotel rooms. in this apartment we felt at home. our host (denis) was very kind and helpful and would have helped immediately IF there had been any problems... (there weren`t). a stay without worries. thank you. hope to see you again soon.

  • Laurent 5.0 12.05.2013

  • Norbert 5.0 19.04.2013

  • Gero 4.0 27.03.2013

  • Burak 5.0 02.03.2013

    Perfekte Lage, um Paris zu erkunden!

  • Laura 5.0 04.01.2013

    Die Wohnung liegt wirklich unglaublich zentral von allen möglichen Orten in Paris und der Blick durch das Dachfenster auf den Eiffelturm war wunderschön. Wir können es nur wärmstens empfehlen.

  • R. 4.0 12.08.2012

    Alles, was sich ein Tourist wünscht: super zentrale Lage im Herzen von Paris (Bus- und Metrostation direkt vor der Tür), Supermarkt in der Nähe und ein gut ausgestattetes Dachapartment mit einem schönen Blick über die Dächer von Paris und auf den Eiffelturm, die Oper und vieles mehr.

  • Inge 5.0 28.05.2012

    Un pequeño estudio situado en la mejor zona, muy agradable, limpio, con vistas a la torre Eiffel. Tiene aire acondicionado frío-calor. Está en una zona muy segura en la que se puede pasear a cualquier hora de la noche. Hay para alquilar bicicletas al lado y todo tipo de locales. A unos 300 mts del Louvre. Los dueños encantadores y disponibles en cualqiuer momento, te guardan la maleta si la hora de tu vuelo no coincide con la entrada o salida. Es un sitio al que indudablemente volvería.

  • Behije 4.0 27.05.2012

    Sehr zentrale und schoene Lage! Die Metrostation liegt nur einige Laufschritte vom Apartment entfernt. Alle Sehenswuerdigkeiten in kuerzester Zeit erreichbar. Einkaufsmoeglichkeiten (Supermarkt) in der Naehe.
    Das Apartment ist recht klein, fuer zwei Personen aber voellig ausreichend.
    Toilette sauber. Die Dusche hat kleine Schimmelflecken und auch der Duschkopf sollte ausgetauscht werden.
    Alles in allem ein tolle Trip: MERCI!

  • Linda 5.0 21.05.2012

    We really enjoyed our stay nid d'Amour 3. The unit was spacious, clean and very comfortable. Location suited us just right as it was near the Louvre and the Metro and close to all the places we had been hoping to see.
    There was a large selection of good restaurants within walking distance and also some very good shopping.
    We recommend this accommodation it has easy access lovely views and no effected by noise.

  • David 5.0 05.05.2012

    On a passé un week-end parfait dans cet apartement. Gérard et Christine sont super-sympa et in pense à y aller à nouveau l' année prochaine:-)

  • Heike 4.0 05.05.2012

  • Carla 5.0 09.01.2012

    The Studio was fantastic. Comfortable, very clean, fully equipped and perfectly located. Walking distance to all major tourist attractions yet a Chic place to stay and worth every single euro. If you like your privacy this is the place to stay, come in and out all you want you will feel like in your own home.
    Highly recommended!

  • Simona 5.0 29.10.2011

    Appartamento in una posizione perfetta, vicinissimo al Louvre. Appena si esce dal portone di casa, in 2 passi lo si raggiunge!
    Pulito, comodissimo, con l'ingresso della metro incollato, per cui ci si sposta in tutta Parigi senza problemi.
    L'appartamento è molto bello, e la vista Tour Eiffel è da perdere il fiato.
    Tra le altre cose, è organizzato molto bene, per cui c'è proprio tutto! E' veramente completo!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}

Bewertungen für den Gastgeber GERARD et CHRISTINE

  • Anett 5.0 27.09.2014

    Christine et Gerard, they were both really nice and sweet - excellent hosts. :-) I would definitely rent one of their apartments again. Thanks!!

  • Kathrin 5.0 11.08.2014

    Sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit

  • Shanna 5.0 07.04.2014

    Gerard and Christine (and their tiny dog Winnie!) were excellent hosts! Gerard even took us on a short neighborhood tour.

  • Jacobus 5.0 20.01.2014

    Gerard and Christine made us feel at home right away. Gerard gave us a walking tour of the immediate neighbourhood upon our arrival pointing out all the best places to eat, shop and visit. He also provided us with ‘inside info’ on how to skip the queues for some of the major tourist attractions. It was wonderful to know that they were available to assist with any queries or issues during our stay. They were excellent hosts and provided us with fond memories of Paris. True friends, and lovely people. Hope to see them again soon!

  • carmine 5.0 20.01.2014

    Appena arrivati ci ha accolto Cristine, una donna speciale che parla perfettamente in italiano e che subito ci ha fatto sentire a nostro agio presentandoci l'appartamento e dandoci tutte le informazioni utili per soggiornare comodamente.
    Nei giorni successivi, incontrarla è stato sempre un piacere, proprio come accade quando incontri la vicina di casa di una vita!
    Da ultimo abbiamo conosciuto suo marito Gerard, anche lui,in poche battute si è rivelato un uomo simpatico e gentilissimo. Un pensiero va al loro cagnolino, bellissimo, sa trattare i turisti facendo tante feste e lasciandosi amorevolmente accarezzare, un batuffolino pieno d'amore, come il nido!
    Torneremo presto Cristine e Gerard, la prossima volta nel nido 1.
    Un saluto dall'Italia!
    Carmine e Tecla

  • Andreas 3.0 05.01.2014

    Mit Gerard und Christine hatten wir nichts zu tun (schade!). Dennis und Karine waren nett und hilfsbereit.

  • Jean-Pierre 5.0 02.11.2013

    Notre amphitryon nous a fais visiter tous les restaurants et commerces des environs accompagnés de commentaires historiques sur les différents bâtiments aux alentours.
    Sont épouse et lui, se sont régulièrement inquiétés de notre bien être.

  • pablo 5.0 27.08.2013

    Fantástico. El trato es muy familiar y cercano.
    Gracias Gerard et Cristine.

  • Linda 5.0 05.08.2013

    The hosts were helpful, friendly and accommodating.

  • Laura 5.0 18.07.2013

    Excelentes anfitriones! Muy amables. Todo facilidades. Llegamos a horas tardías (12 de la noche) y allí estaban para recibirnos sin ningún problema. También pudimos disfrutar de nuestra última mañana al guardarnos el equipaje hasta la hora de partir.

  • Sandra 5.0 03.07.2013

    Gerard and Christine were incredibly generous sharing local knowledge and making sure we found secure parking, the local supermarket etc. We really appreciated knowing that they were available to help with any queries or issues during our stay. Excellent hosts and genuinely lovely people.

  • Johanna 5.0 02.07.2013

    very helpful, friendly and reliable. merci beaucoup, denis.

  • Laurent 5.0 12.05.2013


  • Norbert 5.0 19.04.2013

    Sehr nette und hilfsbereite Vermieter, welche im Haus wohnen. Dadurch war die Übergabe der Schlüssel sehr einfach. Wir konnten die Wohnung ohne Aufpreis früher beziehen und bei Abreise das Gepäck deponieren. Die Wohnung ist sehr gut ausgestattet mit Geschirrspühler, Bügeleisen, Waschmaschine, Stewi usw. und war sehr sauber mit den Platten-/Holzböden. Die Lage ist einfach perfekt, die kleinen Balkone gemütlich z.B. für Apéro bei Sonnenuntergang. Vieles kann zu Fuss erreicht werden und auch die Anreise vom Flughafen ist komfortabel mit dem Roissy Bus. Wir waren 4 Personen und hatten sehr viel Platz. Den riesigen Fernseher haben wir kaum gebraucht, da wir viel unterwegs waren. Internetverbindung ist ebenfalls sehr schnell. Hoffentlich ist die Wohnung frei, wenn wir das nächste Mal in Paris sind!

  • Gero 5.0 27.03.2013

    Sehr herzlich und hilfsbereit. Sehr guter Empfang. Uns hat es gefallen. Für die Tage optimal. Immer wieder
    PS: schöne Grüße an Winni

  • Burak 5.0 02.03.2013

    Sehr nett!

  • Laura 5.0 04.01.2013

    Gerard und Christine waren super Gastgeber.

  • R. 5.0 12.08.2012

    Besonders toll sind die sehr netten und hilfsbereiten Gastgeber Christine und Gérard!!! Sehr gerne kommen wie wieder.

  • Inge 5.0 28.05.2012

    Un pequeño estudio situado en la mejor zona, muy agradable, limpio, con vistas a la torre Eiffel. Tiene aire acondicionado frío-calor. Está en una zona muy segura en la que se puede pasear a cualquier hora de la noche. Hay para alquilar bicicletas al lado y todo tipo de locales. A unos 300 mts del Louvre. Los dueños encantadores y disponibles en cualqiuer momento, te guardan la maleta si la hora de tu vuelo no coincide con la entrada o salida. Es un sitio al que indudablemente volvería.

  • Behije 5.0 27.05.2012

    Gerard und Christine waren wirklich unglaublich hoeflich, zuvorkommend und freundlich. Bei Fragen sind sie stets hilfsbereit.

  • Linda 5.0 21.05.2012

    Gerard and Christine were great hosts. They were easy to do business with and were not intrusive at all. Gerard and Christine went out of their way to help us on a couple of occasions and when there was a problem with understanding our english they were able to get assistance from a neighbour nearby. They are lovely people and we thank them for their kind hospitality and wish them well in trhe future.

  • David 5.0 05.05.2012

  • Heike 5.0 05.05.2012

    Gerard und Christine sind ausgesprochen freundlich und hilfsbereit!
    Gerard hat uns am Ankunftsabend (spät) zum Supermarkt begleitet.

  • Carla 5.0 09.01.2012

    Gerard and Christine excelled my expectations as hosts. They are a lovely couple, very polite, friendly and keen to help you as much during your stay. Most important, you will feel as if you have rented a permanent flat. Gerard and Christine will not disturb you at all.
    My husband and I could´t ask for more. We felt like at home in such a cozy warm Studio. We´ll be back.

  • Simona 5.0 29.10.2011

    I gestori sono disponibilissimi e molto gentili.
    Noi non abbiamo avuto alcun problema, perché l'appartamento era perfetto così com'era, ma ci hanno detto di chiamarli per ogni evenienza, visto che vivono al piano di sotto.
    Peccato che siamo stati là solo 4 notti!!!
    Sicuramente, quando tornerò a Parigi, tornerò proprio in questo appartamento, visto che ci sono dei gestori così gentili ed l'appartamento è così bello.
    E lo consiglierò a tutti i miei amici!

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