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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Rostock, Germany
Alter 41 Jahre

Über Bingquan

Born in china and mathematics and focus on solving problems in the theorism and nature life with technology tools such as pc. Have 5 years working experience in programming fields (most is php, typo3 , typolight,php ,javascript and css) and now continue to further expand my view of mathematics and computer. Interested?Never hesitate to contact

Bewertungen für den Gast Bingquan

  • Frank 5.0 21.12.2012

    Sehr angenehmer, freundlicher Gast, immer wieder gerne willkommen.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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