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Bewertungen für den Gast al

  • Marcello 5.0 11.03.2013

    It is the second time that Al spends his holidays at Casa Tortilla.
    As always it is a guest reliable, accurate and punctual for checkin and checkout and very respectful with the apartment. Hope to see Al and his family many times!

  • Marcello 5.0 06.11.2012

    Guys thank you for choosing Casa Tortilla for your holidays. You were wonderful guests, respect for the neighbors and the apartment.
    We would be pleased to have you as a guest again. Goodbye!

  • Maria 5.0 18.09.2012

    Very nice family, so kind and friendly. I would recommend absolutely them as guests. They were perfect!!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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