О Tobias
Ich wohne mit meiner Frau und unserem kleinen Hund (Mops) in München-Solln, einer ruhigen Gegend mit gutem Anschluss an die City von München (mit der U-Bahn sind es 15 Minuten bis zum Marienplatz). Wir sind weltoffene Gastgeber und freuen uns über alle Gäste, egal, wo ihr herkommt, wie alt ihr seid oder welches Geschlecht ihr habt. Wir freuen uns, Euch kennenzulernen. Wir stellen unser Gästezimmer zur Verfügung (ca. 18 m²). Darin steht ein 1,60 Meter breites Bett und ein Schrank, in dem ihr eure Sachen unterbringen könnt. Wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr gerne unsere Küche, unser Wohnzimmer und unseren Balkon (Südseite - herrlich sonnig) benutzen.
Оценки жилья Tobias
Tatjana 5.0 07/25/2014
Very nice and quiet area, pretty easy to get to the city center-the bus stop is in 2 min walk, buses go regularly.
We had a cosy bedroom in a well-equipped apartment where we were allowed to use everything we needed for a comfort stay.
What is more, the hosts both speak very good English and we really enjoyed talking to them on different topics. -
Maike 5.0 04/15/2014
Very nice room in a well-equipped apartment in a quiet neighborhood in Munich. Since Tobi and his wife are working during the day, we had the place with the beautiful balcony to ourselves in the morning. It was all very clean and cosy, you'll definitely be comfortable here!
Оценки хозяина Tobias
Tatjana 5.0 07/25/2014
The host couple is very friendly and helpful, which is important when you are in a foreign country. Wh
enever you have a question ( or a problem) Tobias and Ninja are ready to give advice and do whatever they could to solve the issue.
The dog also brings such a great atmosphere to the place! We were very glad to get to know such nice people (and their pet) in Germany. -
Maike 5.0 04/15/2014
Tobi and Ninja were incredibly nice and very welcoming hosts who like to share their space and stories. After two minutes, we were invited to feel totally at home! We even shared a very nice evening with some wine on the balcony with the 2 and listened to some of their interesting traveling stories.