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Возраст 44 лет
Профессия Grafikerin

О Julia

Этот пользователь ещё не добавил информацию о себе

Оценки гостя Julia

  • Esther 5.0 02/22/2012

    Yes it was a very short time when we met but I have a very good impression of Julia. As guests in our home they have been very respectful to us. I noticed this because of the questions asked from them regarding time etc. I am happy they have enjoyed Juan s Vietnamese cafe!
    Hope to see you again!

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}
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