О Jenny
Law services and stock market analysis. Travelled many countries in the past 15 years, Europe, Asia, Arab States, lived in some famous cities, planning the next trip to prague, :-) I'll move to Hamburg in Feb., here lives my parents, we have another apartment in clot area of barcelona, mostly you'll meet one of my parents. Dad is a retired chemistry & advanced mathematics university professor, mum occasionally publish some short articles, social person, she's fond of cooking and good at it. I enjoyed stay in someone's homes as a new concept form of rental in my last trips, really nice.
Оценки жилья Jenny
Lukas 3.0 08/17/2013
Das kleine Zimmer liegt nur 4 Minuten vom Montjuic entfernt. Das Bad und die Küche können mitgenützt werden. Ein kleiner Ventilator sorgt für ein wenig Abkühlung. Fernseher gibt es keinen - brauchte ich auch nicht. Es sind noch 2 weitere Zimmer in dieser Wohnung vermietet, was aber nicht stört. Es gibt keinen Extraparkplatz nur für dieses Zimmer, das Auto kann aber in einem naheliegenden größeren Parkplatz problemlos abgestellt werden.
Für anspruchsvolle Urlauber ist dieses Zimmer nicht zu empfehlen - für mich war es genau richtig. Danke! -
Nassima 2.0 05/28/2013
Awful. Scary how many fleebites I got in a week. The whole house needs a deep scrubbing, and one could hope for clean bed linen on arrival instead of ones smelling of previous human beings. Plus this was a special week with too many guests at once (meaning long waiting times to get to the bathroom in the morning). Except for breakfast, only cold meals are allowed instead of real cooking. Not my expectations at all, although the location is great and well deserved by convenient metro lines.
Ismael 2.0 05/19/2013
Sirve como alojamiento y poco mas. Viejo, medio sucio y ninguna atencion por parte del anfitrión. Mas que un piso, aquello parecía una pensión cutre.
Barbara 2.0 05/16/2013
Es stank nach Insektervernichtungsmittel, sodass wir bei offenem Fenster schlafen mussten, wodurch es sehr laut war.
Nach einer Beschwerde über die Zustände gab es einen kleinen Preisnachlass. -
Claudio 3.0 09/16/2012
Il bagno era qualcosa difficile da descrivere senza infierire: muffa, polvere, impianto elettrico tenuto su da nastro adesivo, e capelli, capelli ovunque, capelli a terra, capelli nel bidet...
Nella stanza non c'erano le lenzuola di sopra, ma solo federe e coprimaterasso. Siamo dovuti andare a comprare un pleid nel negozio più vicino. Non ci sono stati rimborsati i soldi del pleid...L'appartamento è in una strada silenziosa vicino a piazza di espania, non vicinissima al centro ma qui si incrociano probabilmanete tutti i mezzi pubblici di Barcellona, l'aerobus dall'aeroporto, due linee della metro e decine di linee di bus cittadini, compresi i bus turistici.
Dalla piazza espania nelle sere dei weekend si può ammirare uno spettacolo mozzafiato di fontane colorate e musica. -
Mehul 5.0 04/24/2012
Right in the centre! Great location next to Plaza Espanya...A must go place to watch the fountain show on Fridays and Saturdays....
Оценки хозяина Jenny
Lukas 3.0 08/17/2013
Der Gastgeber ist ein liebenswerter Asiate, der kein Englisch spricht, die wichtigsten Informationen aber auf kleinen, vorbereiteten Zetteln in Englisch mitteilt.
Nassima 2.0 05/28/2013
? Seen only the mother, very nice but who doesn't speak neither english nor spanish beyond the 3 necessary words.
Ismael 1.0 05/19/2013
No tuvimos el placer de conocerla. Nos dieron las llaves al llegar y las dejamos en el buzon al marcharnos.
Barbara 1.0 05/16/2013
Die Gastgeberin war nicht da und stattdessen ein Verwandter, der leider nur wenige Brocken unverständliches Englisch sprach.
Die eMails im Vorfeld klangen sehr anders und verheißungsvoll. -
Mehul 5.0 04/24/2012
She was great! Provided us ample information regarding the places to visit. We enjoyed our stay at Jenny's place thoroughly....
Оценки гостя Jenny
A 5.0 11/02/2011
Jenny has brought with good humor and a relaxed atmosphere. She's been open and honest and you can lead a very interesting conversation with her.
I also have learned good Chinese tricks over the body and health.
Thank you Jenny