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Город Roma
Возраст 37 лет
Профессия Studentessa

О Glenda

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Оценки жилья Glenda

  • Valentin 3.0 10/18/2013

    The quartier is really nice, supermarkt and metro really close. The room was big and comfortable. Breakfast and the kitchen were really good too.
    Unfortunately, there was no key for the bathroom until our last morning. It was a little strange since there were other people sharing the flat with us.
    Of course you can't blame Glenda for the behaviour of the other guests but appearently she didn't make it clear to them that the bathroom was shared - often they blocked it a long time and we had to wait.
    The toilet seat was loose, and there was no toilet paper anymore at a certain point.
    We couldn't lock our room which made us feeling quite uncomfortable since there were other guest - one time we came back earlier than expected and the woman who was cleaning was in our room, packing some stuff she needed. The washing machine was accessible just through our room, which meant that it had to be open all the time to everyone - it shouldn't be hosted more guests than the facilities allow.

  • Dr. Michael 2.0 10/18/2013

    Leider wurde nicht erwähnt, dass wir ein Bad mit anderen Gästen teilen mußten, deswegen waren wir auch von der Sauberkeit nicht begeistert. Das Wasser lief in der Dusche und im Waschbecken nicht ab! Die Toilettenabdeckung war nicht befestigt! Nach drei Tagen wurde schließlich ein billiger Ersatz angebracht. Der Aufzug funktionierte nicht!

  • Ronald 4.0 10/17/2013

    Das Zimmer ist gut ausgestattet. Es hat alles, was man für einen Kurzurlaub in Rom braucht. Die Lage ist in guter Nähe zur Metro und bietet in der Umgebung viele kleinere Geschäfte und einen Supermarkt, um sich zu versorgen. Ich kann das Zimmer sehr empfehlen.

  • Rick 4.0 09/23/2013

  • Guendalina 4.0 03/12/2012

    Appartamento carino e confortevole, dal gusto molto semplice. Dispone di due ampie camere da letto entrambe doppie, con televisore, grande armadio e scrivania.
    La cucina dispone di tutto il necessario per cucinare e di un comodo tavolo da pranzo con sedie. L'appartamento è dislocato in una zona un po' periferica di Roma (raggiungibile tramite l'autobus dalla fermata Metro Battistini), per questo motivo è molto tranquillo e silenzioso, ideale per chi cerca una vacanza rilassante.

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}

Оценки хозяина Glenda

  • Valentin 2.0 10/18/2013

    We've never met Glenda in person - the time we were there, she definitely didn't live in the appartment. We met a woman who was cleaning and her parents.

  • Dr. Michael 2.0 10/18/2013

    Den wirklichen Gastgeber habe wir leider nicht kennengelernt!

  • Ronald 5.0 10/17/2013

    Ich habe mich in der Wohnung meiner Gastgeberin sehr wohl gefüht, erhielt Tipps und hab mich gut unterhalten können auf Englisch. Ich kann die Gastgeberin auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen. Molte grazie :-)

  • Rick 5.0 09/23/2013

    Glenda is a very nice person and we felt comfortable in her flat. Thank you for that.

  • Guendalina 5.0 03/12/2012

    Glenda è una ragazza giovane e dinamica!
    Studiosa di Economia, parla molto bene l'inglese.
    Saprà soddisfare ogni vostra esigenza nella capitale.

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}

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