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О Caterina

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Оценки гостя Caterina

  • ASH 5.0 08/10/2011

    Caterina & Davide recently stayed in the spare bedroom in our house and were a pleasure to have staying with us. They are very friendly people and it was great to meet them. They are very kind and considerate guests and even left us a tent which they were unable to take back home with them - thank you both that was very kind of you the tent will be put to good use! We are glad we were able to let you taste some Oban whiskey and are sorry to hear you didn't like the haggis! If we are ever in Italy (hopefully some day) we will look you up. Enjoy the rest of your trip & good luck with the exams!

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}
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