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Город Lisboa
Возраст 71 лет

О Ana

Moro no Bairro desde que nasci, e tem tudo por perto.´ É acolhedor e sossegado apesar de estar ao pe do Bairro Alto. Os hospedes que veem gostam muito pois os apartamentos são muito giros e bem arranjados. Espero que os vossos clientes gostem também dos apartamentos

Оценки жилья Ana

  • Sven 5.0 08/15/2013

    Everything as expected - thoroughly enjoyed our stay!

  • Andreas 5.0 07/16/2013

    Ana is a great host and it´s really big fun joining her in the Laitaria in front of the apartment. Great location!

  • Ursula 5.0 09/25/2012

    Our apartment was in Travessa do Caldeira 7. It was very comfortable, clean and modern. It is located in a quiet neighbourhood but very close to the city centre and the entertainment district in Bairro Alto. A few steps around the corner and up the hill there is Adomastor, the Santa Catarina viewpoint, where you can enjoy an amazing view over Lisbon and the river Tejo.

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}

Оценки хозяина Ana

  • Sven 5.0 08/15/2013

    Good host, everything went smoothly!

  • Andreas 5.0 07/16/2013

    Great host and an apartment at an fantastic area! Vale a pena!

  • Ursula 5.0 09/25/2012

    Very nice familiy who runs a "coffe" in the street where you can start the day with a really good coffee or drink a cold beer in the evening. We got also a good tip where to find an authentic portuguese restaurant.

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}

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