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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Vancouver
Idade 66 anos
Profissão Instructor, business coach, entrepreneur

Sobre Steve

Languages: English, Français, 中文(简体) School: Western Ontario, London School of Economics Work: Deller & Associates About: Easy going - and proud to share our house and our city. Good coffee usually on in the morning - and if breakfast is made - then it will be served! I know the city well - so am happy to make suggestions on where to go, what to do, local festivals, events, etc. Its good karma right? I trail run in the mountains, hike, jog, ski, bike, crossfit, pilates, yada yada. You are more than invited to come along. I'm also a hash house harrier - so you can join me on our weekly runs if you like. Do as much or as little - its your show. Have a super day!

Comentários dos imóveis de Steve

  • Jean Paul 4.0 12/01/2018


  • Marcel 4.0 18/07/2013

    nice location and view from the patio.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

Comentários sobre Steve como anfitrião

  • Jean Paul 5.0 12/01/2018

    Very sympatique

  • Marcel 4.0 18/07/2013

    very friendly.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

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