Sobre Sebastian
Sebastian. born 1983. Creative mind. Interested in other cultures than mine. Always curious about foreign food and drinks - as long as it's not too strange. Sportive... Cyclist, Climber, Cross Country skier. Happy to meet locals during traveling. Couchsurfer. But here since... today. Languages: German, English, Dutch, a bit of Spanish and increasing skills in French :-)
Comentários sobre Sebastian como hóspede
Beppe 5.0 10/12/2016
Sebastian and his wife were very nice and polite guests. They left the house in order and tidy. 100% recommend
Hélène-Joséphine 3.0 12/10/2014
Ganz net ! Sebastian est un habitué de ce genre de voyages et d'hébergement et était très calme avec beaucoup d'humour. A recommander.
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