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Idade 53 anos

Sobre Sandra

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Comentários sobre Sandra como hóspede

  • Teresa 5.0 04/04/2016

    Sandra and her friends were perfect guests. They were polite, friendly, followed the house rules and were really easy to communicate with. Was a pleasure to host them and this apartment is your home in Lisbon whenever you want to come visit again.
    A portuguese hug and hope to see you in future trips!

  • Lucas 5.0 31/10/2013

    Sandra has been a great guest.
    We recommend it for future reservations.
    She stayed in my apartment in Barcelona for a few days in october 2013. I'd be happy to welcome her again!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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