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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Gasteiz, Legutio, Getxo, Bilbo


travel and people, cities and architecture, culture and thought, art and street, society and justice, you and me, chaos and more chaos, search for the good, and always the r´n´r ...

Comentários sobre RICARDO como hóspede

  • Phil 5.0 13/08/2014

    I didn't have the chance to meet personally with Ricardo, but our communication has been very pleasant and Ricardo took a very good care of our place. He also demonstrated a very enthusiastic personality. A very nice person to interact with.

  • Lisi 4.0 27/08/2013

    Great guests, really nice and friendly, we'd love to host them again!

  • Christian 5.0 08/09/2012

    Very friendly guests, the flowers you left here are already planted in the garden :)

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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