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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Barcelona
Idade 36 anos
Profissão Estudiante y administrativo

Sobre Pol

Olá, eu ainda não adicionei informações pessoais.

Comentários dos imóveis de Pol

  • Marjorie 4.0 02/09/2013

    The flat is cosy. Cool living room with large sofas, a big table and a small but sunny balcony.
    1 bathroom with an extra toilet. 1 kitchen with a fridge.
    The room has 2 beds, one is a little bit annoying because its plank must be fixed too often (they get out), but it's ok. The room is perfect for people who like to sleep in the dark, because the sunlight doesn't really get in. There is a big closet for clothes, with a mirror in it (perfect for girls).
    Wifi works without problem.
    The neighbors are noisy but it's funny (they sing for example).
    Great flat!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

Comentários sobre Pol como anfitrião

  • Marjorie 4.0 02/09/2013

    I had a great week in Barcelona.
    Pol was here the first day to give us the keys and the wifi code, but then, my friend and I were 90% of the time alone in the flat.
    Pol seems to be a nice guy, just like his roommate. It's a bit sad that we did not had the time to discuss more.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

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