Sobre Pablo
Me encanta viajar y disfrutar de las ciudades y de sus habitantes como uno más de ellos, sin visitar los típicos sitios de turistas.
Comentários sobre Pablo como hóspede
Giovanni 5.0 20/11/2011
Excellent, excellent guest! Pablo is an absolutely respectful, kind and thoughtful person. Besides, chatting with him is interesting and enriching... He left the apartment in an optimal state. Great.
Martin 4.0 04/09/2011
Pablo and his friend are very easy going people. They are quiet and are very responsible. Almost too polite... I had the impression they were hooked on sitting on the deck outside enjoying the view.
Eva 5.0 29/08/2011
It was a pleasure receiving Pablo & his friends in our home! Very friendly & easygoing people. They left the house very tidy so I recommend them higly to future hosts!
+ {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}