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Cidade 305
Idade -1 anos

Sobre Lorraine

My name is Lorraine. I live in Miami! I love it here and hate it here with equal intense passion. Hence at times I can't think of living anywhere else in the world and other times I feel the urge to jump on a plane and skedaddle. Leaving what you know behind and exploring another country is the ultimate pleasure tablet for me. I never feel more alive then when I'm somewhere new, around different sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. There is nothing that equates thriving outside your comfort zone, broadening your mind, and bettering your understanding, and world view. I look forward to staying someplace. Hopefully your place. I hope you treat me well as I will you. Most importantly I hope you get your bang for your buck, as I hope I do too! Haha Cheers.

Comentários sobre Lorraine como hóspede

  • Tania Sarah and Robert 5.0 29/04/2013

    A very nice, very considerate, friendly and kind guest.
    Always conecting with the host.
    It has been a pleasure to have their company those days.


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