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Cidade ShangHai
Idade 46 anos
Profissão Booking Center

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ShangHai Cityhome Serviced Apartment is a professional Short-term booking website..We provide all type of Short-term Apartment, Serviced Apartment in China.. Our website:

Comentários dos imóveis de li

  • Alexander 4.0 14/11/2012

    The room itself is pretty good. Most of the things one would expect are there, except no heater and aircon heating function didnt work so it got quite chilly in november. What this place needs is improvement in organisation. The people are actually all quite nice but i didnt get any reply on my first 2 emails and booking request, then i didnt receive any detailed instruction how to get there from the next subway station (and it isnt obvious for a foreigner, had to ask 2 people to find it), when i arrived there was confusion where i was coming from, how much i paid and if there was a room for the whole duration of my stay. Then, i asked about things like the broken shower hose being replaced or where i can put the trash and got the reply that someone will come over but no one ever came. So yes, go rent here, the room is fine for the money (typical asian wetroom though) and the people are all nice but i hope they will improve organisation. Ah and expect some loud traffic noise ...

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

Comentários sobre li como anfitrião

  • Alexander 3.0 14/11/2012

    All people involved were quite nice and helpful but organisation could be improved (time to answer emails, preparation before a guest comes, getting someone to come and do the stuff that was talked about earlier ..). I am sure they can improve.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}

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