Cidade | Prague |
Idade | 67 anos |
Profissão | Writer, speaker and consultant on information technology markets |
Sobre Guenther
Born in Vienna, Austria, living in Prague. I'm writing books and articles on Europe's ICT markets and speak about start ups and research. I love welcoming guests and thus meet people, learn about other countries and cultures. I like to travel myself so I know how valuable it is to know locals, learn about things that are not in the guidebook, discuss politics or history etc. During the past years I've started to specialise on Prague's history as well as on all kinds of new cultural phenomena and trends.
Comentários dos imóveis de Guenther
Quoc-Hai 5.0 23/09/2014
FunTastic Prague is exactly as described (including the comprehensive breakfast) and shown in photos.
It isn't located directly in the centre of the tourist areas which means you get a nice quiet place to rest and relax when you need to. Also, it is close enough that you are a hop, skip, and a jump from the places you want to see.
Overall, a great place to base yourself to be able to explore Prague while having the opportunity to reset. -
Daniela 5.0 15/02/2014
We had a great stay in Prague at Gunther's house. The flat is near the city centre, everything is walking distance. Many small shops and restaurants even next to the flat. Flat was very large, comfortable equipped and clean, we really had a feeling like home there. The flat holds many interesting things like books and cds and is decorated in a individual style which makes it really lovely! Recommendable!
Jan 5.0 06/11/2013
Hübsche Unterkunft in einem angenehm ruhigen aber trotzdem fast zentralen Viertel von Prag. Mit viel Liebe zum Detail renoviert. Besondere Erwähnung verdient das liebevoll arrangierte Frühstück.
Elena 5.0 23/10/2013
The apartment is absolutely stunning. Theres a whole lot of space and every room is decorated with a great sense of aesthetics and details (It was actually quite inspirational..). The old building is very charming. We could have easily stayed in that place forever :-)
Janina 5.0 06/10/2013
Die Unterkunft ist rundum zu empfehlen. Besonders das schöne Wohnviertel und das unglaublich leckere Frühstück bleiben uns in Erinnerung. Fußläufig zum Hauptbahnhof!
Nelli 5.0 26/09/2013
Wir haben uns in der Wohnung "FunTasticPrague4-Try The Difference" vom ersten Augenblick an super wohl gefühlt. Nicht nur die Sauberkeit und die Ausstattung trugen dazu bei, sondern vor allem auch die herzliche Aufnahme. Die Beschreibung der Wohnung trifft in allen Punkten zu und ist für einen Urlaub in Prag absolut Fun Tastic! :)
Aline 5.0 05/09/2013
Bei Günther und Jan haben wir uns richtig, richtig wohl gefühlt. Die Wohnung ist super schön und perfekt gelegen - in der direkten Umgebung gibt es einen tollen Park und viele kleine Bars und Restaurants mit guten Essen.
Das Zimmer in dem wir gewohnt haben, hat uns total gefallen und alles war sehr sauber. Wir kommen jederzeit gerne wieder.
From the first moment we stepped into the flat of Guenther and Jan we really felt at home. The appartment is very nice and situated perfectly in a great neighbourhood with lots of small bars and restaurants. The room we lived in was very clean and nicely decorated. We would definitely come back again. -
Anke 5.0 29/07/2013
FunTastic Prag - der Name ist Programm! Mitten in einem wunderschönen Wohngebiet mit kleinen Shops, Cafés und Restaurants ist die Wohnung von Günther gelegen. Sie ist liebevoll mit vielen Details gestaltet, so dass man sich von Anfang an zu Hause fühlt.
FunTastic Prague - it becomes true, when you stay at Guenther's place. A beautiful flat decorated with lovely details so you really enjoy staying there.
You find a lot of little shops, cafés and restaurants nearby and within 10-15 minutes you are in the center of Prague. -
Angella 5.0 11/04/2013
Guenther is defintely the most friendly and enthuastic host I ever met!!!
The room is decorated soooooooooo whole-heartedly, and not mention of the sweetest breakfast that will bring you a fantastic begining of one day.
He was always more than useful and help you more than you
Anyway, I highly recommon you to choice Guthener's place as your home when you visit Prague, if you want to have more than an experience!!!! -
Salih 5.0 21/12/2012
Guenther's house is very-well located in the city, it's a peaceful and sophisticated place and of course the breakfast you'd have is hard to forget.
Marta 5.0 10/06/2012
It was truly FunTastic! Everything was top notch! Breakfast absolutely beyond expectations:). If I ever visit Prague again, I will definitely want to stay there longer :).
Giulia 5.0 03/01/2012
Guenther's house is absolutely amazing! interior design is stunning, the bedroom is very clean and neat and the breakfasts are something that you will not easily forget.
Mateusz 5.0 27/08/2011
The place was clean, cosy, quiet and near the metro in center of Prague, better than on the photos.
Julia 5.0 27/08/2011
The room offered by Gunther is very nice. He makes wonderful breakfast. Great contact, very fast accepting the request. I reccomend this place to stay in Prague.
Comentários sobre Guenther como anfitrião
Quoc-Hai 5.0 23/09/2014
Guenther is a great host who is friendly and extremely helpful if you need to find out about activities/events in and around Prague. He is also good to have a chat with and find out not only information about thing a normal tourist would want to know but also a few things only a local knows - which is very handy.
During my stay I was lucky enough to catch a ballet performance, an ice hockey game, and see a local street festival for which Guenther helped by letting me know what was on, or how to get tickets. -
Daniela 5.0 15/02/2014
He was a great hoster, one of the kind, who really cares for the guests, we could always contact him with questions or any regards. We enjoyed our own privacy but also the fact that we could be sure that Guenther was there to help if we faced a problem. Thank you so much for everything. Our Prague trip itself was fantastic, we loved it and were so happy that New Year's Eve in Prague was such a good choice! If we return to Prague, we will definitely join your house again :)
Jan 5.0 06/11/2013
Guenther ist äußerst hilfsbereit, freundlich und steht einem dabei unaufdringlich mit Rat und Tat zu Seite. Vielen Dank dafür.
Elena 5.0 23/10/2013
Guenther is the most wonderful host! On our arrival he guided us from the metrostation to the apartment to make sure we don't get lost. We received a welcome basket with good wine, fruits, a map and lots of information. Guenther is able to answer every question one might have and is happy to do so. He made us fell in love with this magic city by giving us lots of insider tips. Plus, the breakfast is simply amazing and worth much more the price! We would have enjoyed talking to our host more, since he's got a great knowledge of art, culture and life itself as it seemed. Due to him our trip to Prague was more than a success! We'll definitely be back!
Janina 5.0 06/10/2013
Wir haben die Tage in Prag sehr genossen und wurden freundlich empfangen. Wir haben super Tips zur Stadtbesichtigung und Restaurantempfehlungen erhalten. Außerdem gibt Günther gerne Informationen abseits des klassischen Touristenprogramms...
Nelli 5.0 26/09/2013
Guenther haben wir als überaus freundlichen, herzlichen, hilfsbereiten und aufmerksamen Gastgeber erlebt, was unserem Aufenthalt eine besondere Note gab und es zu einem unvergesslichen Urlaub werden ließ. Bei Fragen fanden wir stets ein offenes Ohr und erhielten immer einen guten und brauchbaren Ratschlag.
Wir danken dir an dieser Stelle nochmals für die schöne Zeit in Prag und wünschen dir weiterhin viel Freude als Gastgeber! -
Aline 5.0 05/09/2013
Günther ist wirklich ein toller Gastgeber, der sich sehr aufmerksam und liebevoll um seine Gäste kümmert. Von ihm haben wir auch super Tipps bekommen, was man abseits der Touristenströme so unternehmen kann. Auf jeden Fall möchte ich auch noch das super Frühstück erwähnen - es gibt jeden Morgen frische Brötchen, Eier, selbstgemachte Marmelade etc.
Guenther is a great host, who cares a lot about his guests and he also gave us very good hints on what to do off the beaten touristy tracks. I also want to mention the fantastic breakfast - every morning we got fresh rolls, eggs, home-made jam etc. -
Anke 5.0 29/07/2013
Günther ist ein großartiger Gastgeber.
Wir haben täglich ein unfassbar umfangreiches Frühstück genossen und dabei wurde auch auf besondere Vorlieben, wie die meines Sohnes nach Salami, eingegangen.
Doch es ist nicht nur das leibliche Wohl, um das sich unser Gastgeber gekümmert hat, auch unser 'touristisches' Wohl lag ihm am Herzen. Keine Frage, die er nicht beantworten konnte. Er ist ein wandelndes Lexikon in allen Fragen rund um Prag und was es zu bieten hat.
Doch so wahnsinnig wohl haben wir uns vor allem deshalb gefühlt, weil uns so viel Wärme und Herzlichkeit entgegen gebracht wurde.
Wir kamen als Fremde und gingen als Freunde - zumindest habe ich es so empfunden und ich hoffe sehr, dass wir weiterhin in Kontakt bleiben werden.
Günther is a great host. He offers a beautiful room, a phantastic breakfast and all kinds of information about Prague, you will never find in a travel guide.
We enjoyed the fews days a lot, espacially because of the warmth and the hospitality. -
Angella 5.0 11/04/2013
Dear Guthener:
I have no words to describe how I love and appreciate your warmth and kindness you provided when I was stay with you!!!!!!
LOVE U©~~~~~ -
Marta 5.0 10/06/2012
Our host was extremely kind, helpful, hospitable, caring - one could go on and on :).
Giulia 5.0 03/01/2012
Guenther was really kind and always ready to help giving you the right informations about restaurants, places to visit and anything needed.
Mateusz 5.0 27/08/2011
He is a smiling person, very friendly. Provides whit information, maps, guides, and help if lost. He makes a dazzling breakfast. Worth his price and much more.
Julia 5.0 27/08/2011
Guenther is a very nice and opened person. He offers all kind of information about the city. I realy like him and I hope I will have the opportunity to see him again:)