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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade milano
Idade -1 anos
Profissão Student / Opera singer

Sobre giovanni

AUSSIE STUDYING IN MILANO I'm a guy that is ready for every adventure that is put in front of me and open to new things. I prefer trying new things rather than regreting not doing it. I was born and raised in Australia, Melbourne. My parents are both South Korean. I'm currently studying music (opera) in Italy, Milano for the past 5 years. I will be living here for another 3 or 5 years. I love traveling around and trying new things My mates tell me that i am a very very happy person.

Comentários sobre giovanni como hóspede

  • Philipp 5.0 03/06/2013

    Giovanni was a really nice guest. He is very friendly and it was great o be his host. He can return whenever he wants to.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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