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Cidade London
Idade 58 anos
Profissão Construction Project Co-ordinator

Sobre Gareth

Hi, In case you haven't guessed from the name I'm Welsh with Irish (and English) in the blood too :) I've been in London on-and-off since the early 90s. I largely work with a family construction firm in Cheam but don't own a place in London. Sometimes I'll rent a place for a number of months but at the moment am staying with friends hence, when wanting to spend a weekend with my visiting partner, wanting somewhere nice to stay with some privacy and countryside and country pubs/eateries etc. It's the first time I've tried 9flats ( being my usual means) but last year got into Bitcoins and was drawn to 9flats because I just learned they accept Bitcoins as a payment option (though they will pay hosts in pounds etc. of course). Hope you will be happy to host me and my partner :) Gareth

Comentários sobre Gareth como hóspede

  • june 5.0 15/09/2014

    Gareth is a very pleasant chap and was a pleasure to have as a guest

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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