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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Shreveport
Idade 30 anos
Profissão Student

Sobre Gabrielle

I love traveling and learning about new cultures. 9flats allows for me to enjoy that hobby by not only providing an economically efficient way to do that but additionally, vicariously providing a window to see how people live their lives in that destination. I can speak some languages, I can occasionally buy a plane ticket, and now I have the world's apartments at my finger tips.

Comentários sobre Gabrielle como hóspede

  • DAUGE 5.0 06/08/2017

    Aucun souci ! Merci

  • Mauro 5.0 05/09/2016

    It has been a pleasure hosting Gabrielle: nice and polite person, good communication, respectful of house rules, clean and tidy. I do hope to host her again. Highly recommended.

  • Andrea 5.0 16/08/2016

    Very good!!!

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