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Cidade Toledo
Idade 59 anos
Profissão Teacher

Sobre Eva

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Comentários sobre Eva como hóspede

  • Keti 5.0 08/03/2014

    Eva and his friends are very nice, friendly and respectful people. They left the apartment very clean and tidy. Very easy to communicate with, easy check-in and check-out, simply great. I strongly recommend Eva to any host! I hope they come back in the near future!

  • Gill 5.0 22/08/2012

    It was a pleasure to meet Eva and her family and to welcome them to Edinburgh and to my apartment. They left if beautifully clean and tidy and are welcome back any time. Happy to recommend them as guests to future hosts.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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