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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Lübeck
Idade 38 anos
Profissão student

Sobre Emre

I’m about to finish my studies in civil engineering. But in fact I’m a passionate musician and try to use every opportunity to get better in my qualities. I play the guitar in several bands and projects in lübeck and hamburg and I try to combine diverse musical directions like jazz, blues, bossa nova, flamenco and turkish music. But not only as someone who deals with music I love catching the smell of different places on earth.

Comentários sobre Emre como hóspede

  • Jana 5.0 24/04/2012

    Emre and his girlfriend were great guests. We loved having the sounds of Emre's guitar around!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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