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Cidade Atlanta, Georgia
Idade 33 anos

Sobre Dana

Something about myself. I'm a GLAMOUR girl DRENCHED in sweetness♥ I have the ability to create & destroy. I'm an adrenaline junkie, & I love tattoos and piercings. I love to feel the rush of being alive. Life is what YOU make it! I love to travel & visit new places. I want to visit The City of Love(Paris) someday. & travel around the world. Life is not about finding your self its about CREATING yourself. Music is my only escape from reality. I have my own perception on what beauty is & no one can change that. I don't know where my life is going. & I have NO IDEA whats going to become of me... I just take on life one day at a time, and have faith that god is taking me in the right direction. Dream A little Laugh A little love A little and LIVE ALOT!

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