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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Darmstadt
Idade 39 anos
Profissão Coach, Trainerin, Ausbilderin (an der TU Darmstadt)

Sobre Anna

Ursprünglich Kind des Ruhrpotts (Duisburg), lebe und arbeite ich in Darmstadt. Ich mag die vielen bunten, schönen, musikalischen, fotografischen, tragbaren und liebbaren Dinge dieser Welt. Ich bin rast- und ruhelos entspannt, quer- und geradlinig, mal so – oder so. Immer wieder neu, in jedem Fall.

Favoritos de Anna

Reserva Imediata
Acomoda 2
Beautiful heart of city appartment
a partir de €60 por noite

Comentários sobre Anna como hóspede

  • Jordi 5.0 09/10/2013

    Anna's stay was very short, just one night, but she was a great guest. We would be happy to host her again.

  • Peter 5.0 09/04/2012

    Our guests were fantastic! Super friendly, exceptionally clean and tidy. They are polite, thoughtful and caring. These are sort of people you want to host and become friends with! Hope to see you guys again!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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