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Adicionar como amigo
Cidade Mannheim
Idade 34 anos
Profissão Personnel officer

Sobre Andrea

So many beautiful places to find at 9flats, much better than many hotels :) About me: I am 24 years old, live in Mannheim since I was born and I love to travel!!! See different cultures, meet interesting people, make new friends and see all the beautiful places in the world! Most of the time I am travelling with my boyfriend. We are a couple for about 5 years. For him it is the first time to visit the US! He is very open-minded and also cant wait to start our our big road trip in semptember :)

Comentários sobre Andrea como hóspede

  • Genie 5.0 25/09/2015

    We very much enjoyed hosting Andrea and Robin and hope they will stay again one day. We recommend Andrea to any 9flats host!

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros.", :other=>"+ %{count} opiniões de parceiros."}
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