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Su Peter

Hi, I am a fun loving person who loves to travel. I live about an hours drive away from London. I go up there alot as I collect film merchandise and autographs at the film premieres. etc. I used to live in Tenerife which I lloved. I have visited Amsterdam 5 times before and enjoy it very much. Everyone seems friendly and I cant wait to go back. good times :)

Valutazioni per l'ospite Peter

  • Allan 5.0 31-05-2014

    They were lovely guests and a pleasure to have around.

    They took excellent care of our house and left it in great condition.

    They are welcome back anytime and we look forward to seeing them again.

  • Allan 5.0 04-02-2013

    They were excellent guests and a pleasure to have around.

    They took excellent care of the place and they are welcome back anytime.

    We look forward to seeing them again.


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