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Su Anna

L'utente non ha ancora inserito una descrizione personale.

Valutazioni per l'ospite Anna

  • Isabella 5.0 15-01-2012

    Anna is a nice person, really very kind and sweet! She is a perfect guest and I would be very happy to meet her again! :)

  • Pasquale 5.0 15-01-2012

    We have accommodated Mrs Anna Szymanska , along with two friends of her , for two nights on January 2012. I am glad to report that they are good guests as they have left the apartment in good cleaning conditions . They have been very respectful for the house and the environment. It would be a pleasure to accommodate them again.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} recensioni dei partner.", :other=>"+ %{count} recensioni dei partner."}
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