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Ciudad Munich
Edad 39 años
Ocupación Student

Info de Lili

Hello Everybody, my name is Lili, I live in Munich Germany and am a student. I am studying political sciences, I also worked as a photographer (homepage: www.infinity-resolution.com). I love anykind of music from classic Beethoven to Hip Hop, Reggae (Matisyahu at the moment as my favourite)and a little bit of electronic music. My hobbies are painting, singing and jamming with my freinds, read a good book, ALOT OF SPORTS!, playing Piano (unfortuantely I don't have one, but I learned playing Piano for 4 years). In Munich I live together with 2 more people in one shared flat since 4 years. So I have experience in living with other people. Yours, Lili

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